CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 28th October 2024 until 11.30 pm.

First, you must create account and/or log at the link:
You have already made your first step and registered your account with club or dance school data, which also pays the entry fees, so you should enter correct billing information, if not, you can always edit your data.
Next step is to add your dancers with name, surname, gender, and birth data.
When you finish creating your dancers, you can continue and enroll for a festival and select STAGE International Dance Competition.
Next step is to create your routines. You have to provide the title of performance, category, dance style, age division, name of choreographer, dancers, track duration, and upload your music.
The system lets you save unfinished routines – for example, you could skip the music upload and easily edit your routine on a later day, as long as it’s before the festival deadline. If you have previously used FestIS for registration to another festival, you can import your routines by clicking Load values of existing routine and entering your search criteria.
After completing all routines’ data and uploading all your music, you have to send your registration by clicking the FINISH REGISTRATION – ENROLL! button. Afterwards, you can download your pro forma invoice for entry fee payment. Be careful – don’t miss the registration deadline!
If you’re having trouble with your registration, please do not hesitate to contact the FestIS administrator on email – or phone +386 70 708 808!
STAGE wishes you a pleasant use of FestIS – DANCE FESTIVAL SOFTWARE!